Lupita Nyong’o killed it on the SAG Awards red carpet in Los Angeles on Saturday night. The 12 Years a Slave star swooned with a stunning teal Gucci gown, an intricate floral collar, and rich metallic gold nails by Deborah Lippmann. I was inspired by the SAG Award winner’s look and recreated an interpretation of her ensemble.
What you will need:
- Essie Protein Base Coat
E.L.F. Cosmetics’ Pot of Gold
1. Prep the nails with a base coat.
2. Apply two coats of the gold metallic polish.
3. While the polish is still wet, use the tweezers to pick up and place a rhinestone in the top center of the nail.
4. Apply the top coat by dropping a bead of polish on the jewel. Spread the polish evenly around the rhinestone and nail. Swipe polish across the tip to lock in the look.
See Nyong’o’s look and the other nails from the SAG Awards here.
What do you think of this manicure? Show us your nails by tagging us on Twitter, FB or Instagram @SalonFanatic or #SalonFanatic. Check out nail artist Sigourney Nunez on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram for even more looks, nail hacks, and tutorials.