Win It Wednesday: Cinapro Nail Sugar

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32 Cinapro Nail Sugar cupcake

Next month, Cinapro Nail Creations ( will launch Nail Sugar, a collection of 10 multi-faceted colors uniquely created using different sized micas and glitters that is sure to appeal to the girly girl in us all. The tinted jelly base allows for smooth distribution in order to float the fine and larger size particles onto nails. And every bottle features the Spotlight LED cap for perfect application every time.

32 Cinapro Nail Sugar products

The 10 shades include Rock Candy (719774), a combination of fine particles of purple glitter with larger silver, and black particles; Sweet Tooth (719778), an iridescent blue with purple in a mix of fine and larger particles; Sugar Rush (719776), a clear jelly base with small and large particles of silver, gold, red, blue, and green; Creamsicle (719770), an orange jelly base with fine particles of orange and gold; Black Licorice (719779), a clear jelly base with fine black glitter and larger black and silver particles; Cherry Cola (719775), a clear jelly base with large and small red glitters; Cotton Candy (719773), a pink jelly base with crystalline particles; Golden Ticket (719772), a clear jelly base with fine glitter in pink and gold; Salt Water Taffy (719777), a clear jelly base with fine silver glitters; and Hyperactive (719771), a green jelly base with small particles of green, orange, and blue.

Pressed on with a click of a button, the Spotlight LED cap eliminates shadows cast by the hand when holding the brush and painting nails. With so much light focused directly onto the nail, users can get right up to the cuticle, allowing for a far better application. The light ensures a clean application in even the worst lit environment.

To enter to win, leave a comment on this post. For an extra entry, share this post on social media and tag us @SalonFanatic. We will pick one winner at random on Monday, May 12. Giveaway is for U.S. only. Good luck!

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