Technique Tuesday: Pedi Prep Pt. 1

on March 11 | in Nail Trends | by | with Comments Off on Technique Tuesday: Pedi Prep Pt. 1

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With the surprising heat wave we’re experiencing here in Los Angeles, I figured it’s never too early to start preparing for sandal season. Celebrity nail tech Elle and dermatologists Dr. Marina Peredo and Dr. Gary Goldfaden put together some quick tips for us to get our feet back into shape.


-Exfoliate your feet and moisturize. Sweating, socks, and just walking around can make your feet stinky and bacteria-prone. By exfoliating, you’ll slough off dead skin cells, revealing fresh, soft feet. Recommended product: Goldfaden MD Doctor’s Scrub. — Dr. Gary Goldfaden, dermatologist and founder of Goldfaden, MD

-If you’re suffering from calluses, the perfect way to remove them is with a damp foot file. Never cut and blade away calluses with a razer unless it’s excessive. If you must use a razor, follow up with the finest of a pedi-file to make sure the skin is smoothed out. — Elle, celebrity nail tech

-Using a pumice stone can be very beneficial and make your feet feel soft. Taking calluses off will allow your feet to absorb hydration more effectively. — Dr. Marina Peredo, founder of Marina I. Peredo Dermatology and Spatique Medical Spa in Smithtown, New York


Stay tuned for part two!


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